Monday 29 August 2016

Excretory System - Questions

  • How does urine get turned back into water?
  • Why is urine yellow?
  • What happens when we have kidney failure?
  • Can we survive with one kidney?
  • What is dialysis?
  • How much wee can your bladder hold?
  • What is a kidney stone?

Monday 15 August 2016

Circulatory System Questions

** There are not many questions here - so feel free to add some more as you think of them.

Why do we have blood cells?
How much blood is in a full grown human being?
How much blood do you have to lose before you die?Why do you always bleed blood even when you don’t get  cut where you vein or arteries are?

Saturday 6 August 2016

The Circulatory System - Videos

Make notes/sketchnotes and/or comments below in regard to watching the video clips below:

The Pathway of Blood Flow Through the Heart Animated Tutorial.

How a Normal Heart Pumps Blood -- The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Circulatory system

Heart Valve

You may like to Complete the labelling activity located at

Monday 1 August 2016

Digestive System Questions

These are the questions you came up with in our Brainstorm: 

  • Why does our belly rumble when we are hungry?
  • Why do we have teeth?
  • Why do farts smell?
  • Why can’t our body digest some food?
  • Why do we burp?
  • Why do we fart?
  • Why is our poo brown?

The Digestive System - video clips

To access these videos, use your normal Galen username and password that you use to log in

Click view - Teeth

Click view - Tongue and Salivary Glands -

Click View - Oesophagus & stomach

Click View - Similation and Egestion -

Click View - the Digestive System - only Chapters 5 and 6

Sunday 24 July 2016

8.9 Questions on the Skeletal and Muscular System

8.9 Students Brainstormed a number of questions that they had in regard to The Skeletal and Muscular system. 

It is our challenge to see if we can answer them.

  • Why do we have a coccyx bone?
  • Why is our nose made out of cartilage?
  • How many bones do we have?
  • Why do we grow?
  • How do bones heal?
  • Why do some of our bones crack?
  • Why does our collarbone break easily?
  • Why are bones bones?
  • Why are our bones white?
  • Why are our bones so fragile?
  • Is arthritis a myth?
  • Why do we blink?
  • What is double jointed?
  • Why do we sweat?
  • What makes our muscles grow?
  • How do the muscles in our pelvis grow/change during childbirth?
  • What does muscle look like?
  • What would happen if we didn’t have muscles?
  • Why do you have to stretch?
  • What causes bruising?

Skeletal and Muscular System - Chicken Wing Dissection - Thurs 21st July

On Thursday 21st July - we dissected a chicken wing to understand how the muscular and skeletal system work together to give is movement.