Monday 15 August 2016

Circulatory System Questions

** There are not many questions here - so feel free to add some more as you think of them.

Why do we have blood cells?
How much blood is in a full grown human being?
How much blood do you have to lose before you die?Why do you always bleed blood even when you don’t get  cut where you vein or arteries are?


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  2. Why do we have blood cells?
    We have blood cells because they have protein in them and it helps carry oxygen from your lungs to around your body.

  3. our body contains 5 to 6 quarts of blood . The body can normally lose 1 quarter of bloodwithout harmful effects. A loss of 2 quarters may cause shock, a loss of 5 to 6 quarters usually results in death

  4. how long does it take one blood cell to travel around the whole body?

  5. how many blood cells does a human adult human have?
    Anywhere between 20-30 trillion red blood cells at any given time

  6. How much blood is in a full grown human being?
    It depends how much the human weighs.
    for eg. a man weighing 70 kg would have 5.2 quarts of blood and a woman weighing 49.8 kg would have 3.5 quarts.
